SNews 1.91 to 1.92 changes -------------------------- Dan Fandrich HISTORY file must be converted to DOS ASCII with expire -99999 no-group, or it can just be deleted SNEWS.EXE ========= SNews is now network compatible (the documentation for 1.91 was wrong on this point). Unbatch can be run while people are reading news with snews. Added special Windows 3.1 characters to ISO 8859/1 code tables Added compile-time option to set Path: entry to add domain name instead of uucp name Changed loading of config files: now reads files from UUPCSYSRC, SNEWSRC, then UUPCUSRRC and SNEWSUSRRC in that order (SNEWSUSRRC is new) Now recognize DOS. or OS2. (where appropriate) and SNews. prefixed config variables, and combination of DOS.SNews. or OS2.SNews. Added warning for long lines when posting articles Added MIME article headers when posting Added ComposeCharset= config variable to specify character set used in creating articles to be posted (defaults to X-IBMnnn where nnn is the number of the current code page) Added ModeratedAddr= config variable to specify where moderated postings should be mailed, and added capability to mail them automatically from SNews Added QuotePrefix= config variable to specify the string put before quoted text in an article (defaults to `>') Added HomeNews= config variable to specify where to find the files snews.nrc, KILL, extract, and default save thread file (e.g. alt$geek.nws) extract file name has MailExt extension Added default file name in extract function (Brian's patches) Changed file name from extract.nws to extract.mbo since it is stored in mailbox format Added support for screen sizes other than 80x25 (BC 3.1 won't work properly with > 80 columns or > 50 rows); the user should not change the screen size during the run of the program Added Ctrl-Break detection during article selection loading (the DOS break flag must be on by executing the command `break on' from the command line) Better error handling (fewer program aborts) Error messages are in a more consistent format Long header fields handled more gracefully Fixed bug which truncated some headers in article body under some conditions Fixed some spelling errors in output Added loading and display of newsgroup descriptions from NEWSGROU file in the news directory, and -d command-line flag to display them at start (F5--MAY CHANGE--toggles between group name & description). Binaries are linked with Ralf Brown's disk/EMS/XMS/INT15 swapping routines to give much more free memory for editing and posting articles Made color arguments case insensitive Added -s switch to enable safer mode (disables arbitrary shelling, piping and saving functions) plus -r (to disable posting and mailing). These should make SNews safe to use by untrusted users from a safe shell of some sort (like a BBS shell) as long as care is taken in choosing the extract & hotkey functions. Increased speed of & reduced memory used by threading articles Added display of Organization: and Followup-To: in top block of screen Eliminated error when no HISTORY file is found when running SNews Eliminated extra blank line at end of every article Added Loading message while loading article (for slow networks & big articles) Added 'C' command to cancel an article Only unread articles are displayed in threads by default; `=' from group selection screen will show all articles Added 'k' command to mark current thread as read Added killfiles in HomeNews= directory; global is called Global.KIL, group kill files are called 00000000.kil where 00000000 is the group file name 'K' while reading adds the current subject to the group killfile '^K' while selecting groups edits global kill file; '^K' while selecting threads edits group kill file When a Subject: starts with "cmsg cancel <" (old-style control message) during thread loading, the history list is used to mark the messages as read (in all groups) and the cancel message is killed. This will only cancel cross-posted articles since they're the only ones in the history file. This canceling can be disabled by putting "/: cmsg cancel =32768. The snews.nrc reading routine now recognizes and accepts negative numbers. Strip "Self Discipline" headers off subjects while threading Colour-code threads based on articles read (useful in = mode especially). Added variables ColorThdActiveF, ColorThdActiveB to colour threads with some unread articles, ColorThdReadF, ColorThdReadB to colour threads with no unread articles, and ColorThdNewF, ColorThdNewB to colour threads with all unread articles. These variables must come after any ColorTextF or ColorTextB entries. 'y' or 'n' prompts now allow 'j' instead of 'y' (German Ja) Groups: line while displaying article now shows all groups article was posted to Fixed bug when read_list wasn't allocated which caused memory corruption and occasional program crashes Fixed bug which overwrote memory when marking expired cross-posted articles as read Changed line input routines to use console routine (cgets instead of gets) UNBATCH.EXE =========== Now handles uncompressed, unbatched news Recognizes #! grnews nnn header as synonym for #! rnews nnn (the Uncompress program must be gzip -d to handle the grnews format) Fixed index writing limitation which would have caused threading to fail after Sep 8, 2001 HISTORY file now doesn't have leading 0's on article numbers (to save space) EXPIRE.EXE =========== Changed exit codes & added Ctrl-Break hit code Expire now aborts if the article unbatch time goes backwards; this should stop some corrupted index errors if the PC clock is set back ADDGROUP.EXE ============ Disallows group names with bad characters Fixed bug which caused addgroup to complain if it was started several times in quick succession (such as from a batch file) Changed newsbase file names to be closer to the actual group name instead of just digits (unless there is a conflict) Made creation of multiple groups on the command-line faster Fixed problem of group creation failing when two addgroup commands are done in rapid succession (such as in a batch file) [end of file]