I did a bit of net.research in 1996 to play the "Cash" claim on the Information Futures market at <URL:http://if.arc.ab.ca/~jamesm/IF/> (which was replaced soon thereafter by Foresight Exchange at <URL:http://www.ideosphere.com>. This claim has to do with the degree of success of an anonymous payment system on the Internet by the end of 1996 (the claim closed in 1997 with a value of $0.00--i.e. the claim was not satisfied). Information Futures is a game (using play money) modeled after the commodity futures markets, but trading on ideas instead of pork bellies and soy beans.
I discovered many more e-money schemes than I thought there would be, but *all* of them failed the specific tests of the claim, namely that both purchaser and seller need to be anonymous. All methods I've come across allow the identity of at least one of the parties to at least theoretically be determined, including both Mondex and Digicash, which I previously thought viable (DigiCash allows a seller to be identified by collusion between a buyer and the bank).
Many of the schemes I came across bill themselves as providing "privacy", yet keep logs of purchasers and the vendors they frequent. Several methods, however, (such as NetCash(SM)) provide practical anonymity in which the identities of parties cannot be determined without collusion with a central "bank" or clearinghouse of some sort. If this "bank" has a policy of not logging certain transactions which could be used to track identities, the result is effective anonymity. DigiCash is the only method I could find that can be shown mathematically to allow a buyer to be perfectly anonymous. (Subsequently, the developer of Brand's Cash contacted me to confirm that it, too, ensures the buyer's anonymity).
Following is a summary of all the digital payment methods I've come across. The information on anonymity and implementation status is MY OWN OPINION based on information I read (actually, skimmed, in most cases) on the Web, much of which left out important details. One or more of the methods at the end of the list (which I did not verify) may have qualified for the claim as well. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'll keep an HTML version of this page up at <URL:https://telarity.com/~dan/emoney-anon.html>.
UPDATE 2021: This list predates the invention of cryptocurrencies in 2008, which have fundamentally changed the discussion of anonymity in payment systems.
CAFE <http://www.digicash.com>
- purchaser is anonymous (unless he double spends), seller is not
- implementation: unknown
Brand's Cash <http://ganges.cs.tcd.ie/mepeirce/Project/Mlists/brands.html>
- purchaser is anonymous unless he double spends
- implementation: unknown
NetBank/NetCash <http://www.netbank.com>
(not to be confused with the NetCheque/NetCash(SM) system below)
- anonymity: transactions between purchaser and seller can be linked in most
- implementation: in full operation
CyberCash <http://www.cybercash.com>
- anonymity: CyberCash server can and must link transactions between
purchaser and seller (via credit card)
- implementation: in full operation
First Virtual <http://www.fv.com>
- transactions between purchaser and seller are linked by central server
- implementation: in full operation
Credit card number via http + SSL (e.g. Netscape)
- neither purchaser nor seller is anonymous
- implementation: in full operation
NetCheque(SM) & NetCash(SM) <http://www.isi.edu/gost/info/NetCheque/>
- anonymity: NetCash(SM) identity of purchaser can be determined by collusion
among all parties (may be extended to provide perfect anonymity to
purchaser); NetCheque(SM) is not anonymous
- implementation: NetCheque in test phase; NetCash not yet implemented
Mondex <http://www.mondex.com>
- neither purchaser nor seller is anonymous
(see <http://ganges.cs.tcd.ie/mepeirce/Project/Press/monpriv.html>)
- implementation: smart card trial in progress in UK; Internet status unknown
NetBill <http://www.ini.cmu.edu/netbill/>
- anonymity: "Protects the privacy of the transaction"; appears that in
actuality, central NetBill server can and must link purchaser and
seller in a transaction
- implementation: trial should be running around this time
Millicent <http://www.millicent.com>
- neither purchaser nor seller is anonymous
- implementation: tests were planned for the end of 1995
First Bank of Internet (FBOI)
- transactions between purchaser and seller are linked by central server
- implementation: in full operation
NetChex <http://www.netchex.com>
- neither purchaser nor seller is anonymous
- implementation: unknown
CyberCard <http://netmarket.com/nm/pages/cuc/sid=LMAmZEJeI7>
- anonymity: unknown
- implementation: unknown
- anonymity: transactions linked between purchaser and seller via credit card
in standard implementation
- implementation: unknown
Micropayments (Hewlett Packard)
- neither purchaser nor seller is anonymous
- implementation: unknown
Anonymous Credit Cards (AT&T)
- anonymity: transactions can be linked between purchaser and seller by
collusion; anonymous debit card may be anonymous for purchaser (though
purchases can be linked), but not seller
- implementation: unknown
PayMe (based on NetCash) <http://www.w3.org/pub/Conferences/WWW4/Papers/228/>
- anonymity: transactions between purchaser and seller can be linked if
currency servers log all transactions
- implementation: unknown
SNPP (MIT) <http://ganges.cs.tcd.ie/mepeirce/Project/Oninternet/snpp-paper.ps.Z>
- "does not provide anonymity" -- Low & Maxemchuk
- implementation: unknown
MarketNet (BankNet)
NetPay (Boston Automation) <http://www.bosauto.com/netpay/>
STT (Visa & Microsoft) <http://www.microsoft.com/intdev/inttech/wire15dx.htm>
Web Payment System (Open Market)
Merita Solo Payment system
Anonymous Internet Mercantile Protocol
CARI (Collect All Relevant Information)
Downtown Anywhere
FSTC Electronic Check Project
Globe ID
Magic Money
Micro Payment Transfer Protocol (MPTP)
Online Check Systems
PayWord and MicroMint
Secure Electronic Payment Protocol (SEPP) (Mastercard)
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